Sunday, August 27, 2006

Good Morning, Hurricane Ernesto

Hurricane Ernesto We woke up to a new track this morning, which is not surprising this far out from landfall. Ernesto is now a hurricane and predicted to come right into our front yard. The computer models from Weather Underground show the possiblities, including a panhandle or more northerly landfall. The NHC discussion seems to indicate confidence in a west coast strike. However, it's still early and, as we learned with Hurricane Charley in 2004, anything can happen. Hurricane intensity and tracks are difficult to predict especially when they're young storms like this one.

However, given that most of the computer models agree that Ernesto will make an easterly turn once it gets into our neighborhood, we'll start boarding up the Hunker Bunker on Tuesday/Wednesday. Unless there are some drastic changes in the forecast, we'll probably have to evacuate, so all you low lying folks who count on the Bunker: let's make a plan.

Here we go, kiddies. Never a dull moment in Hurricane Land.

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