Friday, October 22, 2004

[Duh] Center Line of Hurricane Forecast Track Not Always Accurate

Officials are considering removing the center line imposed on the hurricane forecast tracks we see on television and in newspapers.

Emergency planners think it's a good idea because people tend to focus on the line instead of the wider cone of probability and, if they don't live near the center line, they might fail to make preparations. (Duh. Paint a bullseye on a map and where do you think the human eye will be drawn?)
Read the full story from the Tampa Trib...

Tourism officials don't like the idea so much. "Without the line, it will look like the whole state of Florida is going to be hit," they whined. Hmmm...if we have a hurricane coming, isn't it a pretty good idea to tell tourists to STAY the HELL away? I mean, forget Floridians' angst over Ontario drivers and even forget the tourists' health and safety (provided Florida has already had one or two swipes at their Visa cards, of course) and remember this: We need every hotel room in the state because the shelters keep collapsing on people.
Read their idiot remarks...

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