Wednesday, September 07, 2005

And now for Ophelia...

Tropical Storm Ophelia is spinning off the east coast of Florida. This one looks like it might curve out and miss the Sunshine State, according to the latest from the NHC. I was looking forward to the rain, but after last year, it's tough to wish for a storm to hit.

And this from from Phil in repsonse to last night's post:
Most of New Orleans is black... The color of their skin had nothing to do with the speed of relief agencies. On the other hand, the fucking idiots that decided to shoot at rescue helicopters attempting to land at hospitals...... uhm......DID.... I *still* think at the MINIMUM Louisiana's own National Guard should have been there immediately. No more sending people that are supposed to protect U.S. Citizens in the U.S., to foreign fucking countries.

God Bless,
Okay, Phil...I'll give you that the major portion of New Orleans' population is black, so my color comment may or may not have been fair. But I still believe that the response would have been faster and greater for the rich. That's simply the way America works. Liberty and Justice for all the rich. While it always seems FEMA et al. are too slow to respond, this response was slower than most. And if the authorities had secured the city immediately as is junkies wouldn't have been firing on the rescue 'copters.

That said, I completely agree with this comment: "No more sending people that are supposed to protect U.S. Citizens in the U.S., to foreign fucking countries." Preach it brothah! Amen! Bring 'em home.

The response to this disaster does not give me confidence that so-called "homeland security" is prepared for a major terrorist attack. When we couldn't even handle a hurricane we knew was coming? Homeland Security is worse than a joke - it's a waste of time and money.

Care to discuss folks? Please go to the site and use the comments area as I do not allow replies back to the list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They had all kinds of advance notice of the storm.
The responsible officals got a disaster area declaration
before the storm made landfall.
And they still hosed it up big time.
Yup, we're definately ready for another terrorist strike.
Your tax dollars at work!
This may allow you to vent a little - at least the newsdogs are making Scott McClellan a bit miserable: